Private offices for up to 4 people in West Melbourne, Vic from $3,528 / month +gst
Powered by our 117 panel 23.6kW solar array on the roof top deck, get access to the all-inclusive facilities:
- A permanent work station with chair, lockable filling cabinet and bookshelf
- 16 person Boardroom with projector and espresso machine
- 4 person meeting room
- 2 person breakout meeting room
- Internet – cabled and wifi
- Lockers
- Showers
- Kitchens including dishwasher, fridge and microwave
- Roof top deck with table and chairs
- Worm farm
- Soft plastics recycling and mixed recycling
- Security system
- Internal phone and intercom system
- Integrated air quality, energy monitoring and control system
- Stationary
- Cleaning
- Maintenance
Pay as you go facilities include:
- Mitsubishi iMiev electric car
- Electric bikes
- Push bikes
- Printing
- External phone system